The Alien Colonization of Earth’s Waterways

Type: Books and Publications
Price: $24.99


The Alien Colonization of Earth’s Waterways
by Debbie Ziegelmeyer
As the Director of the Underwater Research and Recovery

Team for the Mutual UFO Network, a PADI Scuba Instruc-
tor, and an experienced UAP/USO investigator, Debbie

Ziegelmeyer has studied the USO (Unidentified Submerged

Objects) phenomenon for decades. She now brings the cul-
mination of this work to the public in this book.

Read accounts of not only submerged unidentified craft and
extraterrestrials, but sightings of unidentified craft traveling
on or underwater. The author compiled hundreds of reports
which heretofore have not been placed in a collection such
as this. Any serious UAP/USO Investigator will find this
book a valuable reference.
Publisher : Un-X Media (September 21, 2021)
Hardcover or Paperback 248 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1737899617 (hardcover)
Dimensions : 8.25 x 0.78 x 11 inches

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